
Electrical installations

Fiber optic networks


Rioma Redes has its own Engineering Company, with which it develops Electrical Engineering Projects, Renewable Energies, Building, Civil Engineering... ESTING, Estudio de Ingeniería S.L.P. has more than 25 years of experience in the Design, Development, Preparation, Management and Execution of projects at an international level.

ESTING, has a multidisciplinary team of engineers with extensive experience, in its long history of more than 20 years

Proof of this are the clients with whom we have worked, both private companies and official organizations belonging to the regional and state administration.

Esting grows at the same time as construction develops in Spain and becomes an Engineering that designs Urban Development Plans, more than 10,000 homes in 5 years and 10,000,000 m2 of land in urban developments.

In parallel, ESTING is carrying out work in various countries (Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Panama,...).

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